Resolving Your Personal Injury Case
You may be considering hiring a car accident injury attorney to help you file a personal injury claim after being hurt in a car accident caused by someone else's negligence. If so, you may reasonably have lots of questions: What are my prospects of getting fair compensation for my medical bills and other losses? Is it better to hire a lawyer, or can I handle it on my own? Is there anything I can do to improve my chances of success? How long will the process take?
To help answer these and other pressing questions, we surveyed our readers across the United States and asked about their recent encounters with personal injury claims. Here's what we learned.
Settlements: The Most Common Outcome in Personal Injury Claims
Overall, 70% of our readers with a personal injury claim received a payout (an out-of-court settlement or an award after a trial). And for nearly that many (67%), the compensation came in the form of a settlement. Very few readers (4%) saw their case go to trial, which is typical in personal injury cases. Trials can be time-consuming, expensive, and risky for everyone involved. That's why insurance adjusters—and the lawyers helping injured people—are usually motivated to reach a personal injury settlement.
How Much Compensation Is Typical in Personal Injury Cases?
More than half of our readers received payouts ranging from just $3,000 to $25,000. But another 26% of readers received over $25,000, making the overall average $52,900. When you're examining these results, keep in mind that the readers we surveyed had come to our websites to find a claim and look for a car accident injury attorney. It may be that those with the most severe injuries (which lead to a higher settlement or award) promptly retained a lawyer and therefore did not participate in our survey.
What Affects the Outcome in Personal Injury Claims?
There tend to be general patterns as to how insurance companies value an injury case. You don't have control over some factors that affect those patterns, including:
- Your injuries. Serious injuries result in more medical expenses and significant "pain and suffering" damages—which generally lead to higher payouts.
- The defendant's insurance policy. The insurance company won't offer settlements over the policy limits.
However, our survey results point to several things you can do that significantly affect the likelihood of a successful outcome as well as the amount of compensation you might receive: hiring a lawyer, negotiating a settlement (rather than merely taking the first offer), and taking steps to involve the court.
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